Listening & understanding

Providing our global vision to the challenges of urban development, we examine all the pertinent information to make the best choice that meets your project’s needs and matches the magnitude of your territory.

Urban organization – urbanity and use value

Sensitive to the use value of cities and territories, we assist you with the urban organization of your destinations and the definition of a master plan in which tourism, the environment, architecture and mobility are intimately linked. We also manage the notions of intermodality, parking, interfaces and transitions between urban and recreational areas.

Urban mobility – soft mobility and cable transport

Thanks to our experience with environments that have numerous constraints we propose to :

  • Help you understand the advantages and the challenges of a mobility project in your territories and in an urban environment
  • Work with you on the feasibility of implementing cable transport systems, where road crossings go together with fluidity and intermodality
  • Assist you in the organization, writing and analysis of a tender dossier (global vision, project management, coordination of interfaces)
  • Provide you with a realistic and precise technical vision of your projects and the optimization of your existing mobility systems thanks to our certification (Qualified Body-OQA) and supervisory skills

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    5A, chemin de la Dhuy - 38240 Meylan - FRANCE


    +33 (0) 4 76 90 20 60

